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Recently played this game on my channel and honestly for a prologue it had a lot of good stuff going for it. DEFINITELY will be keeping tabs on this game's development. 

Played this on the channel. I love the art style and the story seems interesting so far. Can't wait to see what the full game is like

really good game like the mix between visual novel and having full control of character. Can't wait to get to play more! 

I loved playing this! I adore the art style and the limited colour palette, I was able to handle the horror parts (although my friend was keeping me company haha), and the characters were interesting too. :) I'm eagerly awaiting chapter 1!!

We love this game, my friend Logan and I run a comedy gameplay channel on YouTube called double decker duo ( not the candy bar ), we would love to work with you, let us know when you want to release a game and we will promote it, we love your work.

This was so amazing for a demo! I really hope there is more to come!! 

Amei a mistura de suspense e terror, quando joguei não fazia ideia do que iria encontrar mas foi muito daora essa demo, espero o jogo completo para ver oq vai acontecer. (Por favor me ajude vendo e curtindo meu video bjss)

yo when will chapter 2 be released?

I'm surprised by the game, what a good experience, I liked the graphics and the characters, very interesting the story, I've never played anything like this before I really enjoyed it, I hope you continue to do something in this style, you did a great job keep it up

Gameplay PT-BR


Repost sorry lol :( Checking in as I was hoping there was an update

I love claire she is so fucking epic and deranged, just like me fr fr


Please don't turn into Claire, Unless you met with the protag and Noir to send him back to you over and over.
Joke aside, :) Thank you for playing!


Hello, how are you dear Jade, I love your game, I would like to know if you have calculated when the game will be complete.


so eager for the release of the full game! The character design is great and it just has such a neat atmosphere.


I love everything about this game.I seriously cannot wait for the next part!!


Amazing game! Can't wait for the next part, definitely a fan


next part still deving?


Hello, anhuy :) thank you for visiting and asking, Yes the game still being made.


FREAKEN AWESOME GAME, cannot wait for the full game to drop, honestly everything is so aesthetically pleasing

Thank you for playing and making the video for the game! I am making the next chapter at the moment.


when will it be released? long time no see any related news


Short, but god if not absolutely amazing!I was suprised by how well the 2D art composed into a 3D environment, and the game ran super smoothly, which was a pleasant suprise(most 1st Person 3D games often lag alot of my computer)


I have to say, while the primary story with Claire left alot to be desired in terms of development, the 4th wall break with the cat girl in the menu is what really sold this game for me. I don't know, I just liked the way that she was introduced almost as a creator self insert in a way, onl there to lead you through the set up and "restart?" choice, but ended up playing a crucial role in the actual story. A creative take on a 4th wall break, that's for sure. Also, and I realise this may be a somewhat hidden secret, the mirror jumpscare actually got me, so well done for that haha

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Hey hey, I really liked that game, especially the atmosphere. Would you be interested in polish translation?


This game is great I like it when Claire's true self comes out and her words change a lot! even it must use the time to reread. 





soooo when is the next part?


Soon :) we still working on it.


Here's my review on this game. WARNING - IT CONTAINS SPOILERS. If you want to play the game spoiler-free then don't read this review.

Good points

  • The game is gorgeous. I love the aesthetic and the atmosphere. And on top of it, it remains consistent throughout the whole game. The low poly pixelart is so cozy in this game.
  • I also like the way text is displayed.
  • Sounds are amazing. Like, freaklishly amazing.
  • Feels good to be played.

Bad points

  • English grammar mistakes throw me off
  • No Mouse Sensitivity option
  • I’m not peculiarly a fan of text moving on it’s own during cutscenes, because sometimes I’m not able to read everything.

Neutral Observations/Thoughts

  • I noticed in the beginning of the game that when you touch the handrail of the balcony it triggers the sound of the sliding door closing, without it actually closing. You can bump multiple times into it while looking at the door not opening nor closing but regardless it triggers the sound of the door closing. I assume this to be something not intended by the developer.
  • When I receive the cookies from Claire (from Noir’s Bakary), the item is presented in the center of the screen, which is fine, but there is not a lot of contrast with the background (aside from the flashy tones of red). I would personally try to add a soft blur (instead of pixelized blur because the game is already pixelart) so the bag is in focus, opposed to what is in the background.
  • It’s just a shame the story feels like it’s rushing. From the beginning of the game until meeting Claire for the first time it feels like it is in a normal pacing. However the character develops too fast. Also the protagonist mentions not knowing for how long and how many times the cycle has been repeated (of either dying or killing Claire). However, from a players perspective it doesn’t feel like the cycle has repeated itself that many times. I am aware this game was made for a game jam, at least initially, so it is normal that the scope needs to be restricted.

Endings I got

  • Hopeless
  • Murderer
  • Snow is White


I’d definitively invite some of my friends to play this game as the good points I mentioned previously overshadow the bad aspects, even though I imagine it wouldn’t be too hard to get rid of them. The game just begs for a little bit more story and a few tweaks in the way the story is presented to the player. I would actually love to jam with JADE if the feeling is mutual. I normally like developing concepts of games. Not gonna lie but the though of creating a narrative based game does make my brain go happy.

Thank you for your time to provided me this informative/valuable insight!

I have to admit that the game was rushed and original scripts got a lot of improvisation done on the fly. It's the first time I've write short story in English from start to finished. And it's really shown.

The Dof blur and post-screen effect on lowpoly/pixel style is something I'd love to experiment too! as long as it not required much more powerful machine to run it.

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No problem! Anything to help. I know your English will get better with time. I'm also not a native speaker, so I know a non-native language is hard to grasp. But what I really liked was the visuals and atmosphere of the game. The sounds and music are also on point, like 95% of the time. I'd actually love to jam with you if there is ever an opportunity to and a mutual interest. But I'm still jamming with other people first to get more confident first! 😀

But I'd definitively like to fill the position of Games Designer and Narrative Designer. ❤️


Thank you so much for creating 'The Snow is Red'! I'm Italian and I absolutely loved playing it live on Twitch with my audience! It's astonishing to me that no one in Italy had brought it to YouTube or Twitch before me, so I'm trying to introduce it to other Italians.

Thank you for playing! and an effort to cast it in your language! I'd consider making Italian translation for the new story for sure! :)

(3 edits) (+1)

This game wasn’t quite scary to me and the dialogue/grammar issues took me out of the immersion a bit, but I do find it fun and interesting. I’m excited to see how it develops with further installments.

Thank you for playing and a nice video on the game!
good news is now the game's script and texts got proofread (thanks to my friend And we're going to have translation update really soon! (Chinese, Spanish)


Really love the blame poster though. its like right by the desk and I completely missed it the first time but it is really cool to see a blame reference 

BLAME! poster was added. Because of the comic inspired me to get back into indie dev again. I was tried to create a game with the same aesthetic and world building a couple years ago. But the project got too big and complicate for me to handle. Snow is Red is somewhat the continuum of it, not that they're related or anything. But how's the momentum goes for me on making game. :)

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all I'm gonna say is that the grammar has a lot to be desired. It kinda feels like when I stayed up all night writing an essay only to look back at it and see everywhere I screwed up. I like the style but I'm really that the grammar gets fixed in the full game 

It's actually like that 'stayed up all night and write' feels on this one for me (since it's made while / for the game jam!) Recently the game eng script/text has been proofread and updated Big thanks to And it's likely we're going to team up again on the next story's writing to prevent me from writing with bad grammars again XD

Thank you for playing and please stay tune for our next story!


my computer is really bad. Like no game runs well on it. But for some reason this is the only game that has movement and are able to walk around that actually runs on my computer. This is great

I'm glad that the game did run on it :D
I used to have a decade+ old laptop for doing everything too. (still do even now, but up the game to decade+ old desktop)

Thank you for playing the game! will make sure everything we'll make in the future will be not so demanding on hardware so everyone can enjoy it! :)


I am not usually a fan of visual novels especially for horror games, but I really liked this game. The way you are able to move around, the aesthetic, the moving environment, and story just gripped me. So much I kept going for the endings. I look forward to what follows as I realize it's a prologue. 

THe only caveat is some grammar errors or at least peculiar ways of writing, but it's not enough to really change how I feel. Suffice to say I'm pleasantly impressed. Very good job 👍. Everyone should definitely give it a try. 

Hi Thank you for playing and make a wonderful video on the game :) About grammar errors. I've just got a big help from my friend timbojay improving the script and its overall flow. :)

For the continuation of the story. please staytune while we're working on it.

Amazing! Honestly the grammar jokes were only in jest. The game is amazing, and I'm keeping my eyes glued for the continuation. Such a great concept. Love :)


I like it! Thank you.


Looking forward to the follow-up content

Thank you, ChocolaVanilla. ;) please staytune for update. Or if you want to get spammed with project's gif and screenshot from me. Consider follow my twitter! :D


This game looks amazing your art style is so unique and amazing 🤩

Thank you so much, Mike :D


This is a massive 10/10 can't wait for the full game!!!🔥

OMG, Thanks for kind words and the Rating! The full game, next chapter is now in development! For the closer look of it (screenshots) plese consider follow my twitter :)


Really creepy game. Great work! 

Thank you very much for playing and making video for the game!


I dont play enough visual novel games . This one was really well done and I THINK I got all the endings.


You got them all endings yey! Thank you so much for playing and for making the video! 


yay :) I always try to get all the endings! Great game,  Thanks for taking the time and watching my video !


really loved this:) 

thank you for playing! 


very cool!! excited for the full game :D

Thank you, Spyu :3

Deleted 362 days ago

Thank you for kind words, Mattamint! Glad to hear someone wants more from this prologue! I am currently (well, slowly too) working on the next installment. Which will be post here when there’s an update going on. 

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Loved the visual style! Please. More.


Thank you <3 The full game is in development now ;)


Had a chance to play it after the update loved it :)

Oww, Thank you for follow-up :)

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